Welcome to Concord Youth Soccer

We are a Fall recreational league serving the youth in and around Elkhart County, Indiana.  All players from area school districts are welcome.

Concord Recreational Soccer dba Concord Youth Soccer has served the area since 1981.  The goal is to provide recreational soccer to children pre-kindergarten (3-5 years old) through seniors in high school.  Players are registered in the grade they will enter this Fall not their current grade.  Ten (10) regular season games are played as well as a season ending tournament.  The primary goal of the league is for its players to have FUN!  

We are devoted to fair play and sportsmanship with a “zero tolerance” policy that is strictly enforced.  Our number one priority is that players enjoy their experience and create lasting, positive memories.  Games are played from the last week in July thru mid October.  On line registration is open March 1 thru April 30.  As of May 1 an additional $25 will be added to each registration.   Manual registrations are accepted as of May 1 but player may be placed on a waiting list.  Feel free to browse thru our website and email djm0008@aol.com with any questions.  See you at the fields!